Content marketing puts content in front of the right audience at the right time with the right message. How Does Content Marketing Put Content in Front of the Right Audience?You've got a business website up and running. Your inventory is stocked, and you're advertising like crazy on social media. When you came up with the grand idea to start an online business, you just knew it was going to be a success. In your mind, you had every detail planned out. From utilizing free social media marketing to buying your products cheap and selling them for a 300% profit, there was no way your online company was going to fail. 30 days later. You've been advertising the heck out of your store on social media, and you've attracted... NADA! Not. one. single. lead! How could this be? Your product rocks, and you've established a very reasonable pricing point. You know people like your product because they like the hell out of your postings on Facebook. But no one's buying. Not even your closest friends and family, who you thought would be your biggest fans. What are you doing wrong? It's simple. A great product at a great price means nothing if you're targeting the wrong audience. Using social media marketing as your only advertising platform is going to limit the audience you reach. This is why, regardless of the size of your business or how long you've been up and running, content marketing, in all of its forms, should be a top priority. You've heard time and time again that content marketing boosts brand awareness. You can have all the brand awareness in the world, but if the right audience isn't aware of your brand, it isn't going to matter. This is why content marketing makes a difference. When implemented correctly, content marketing lands your content in front of an audience that is in need of your product. How Many Blog Postings Are Enough to Reach a Targeted Audience?Let's say your online company is in the business of selling coffee mugs. Three days a week, you publish a blog posting that relates to coffee in some form or fashion. Whether it be talking about sipping on a cup of coffee before you rush the kids to school or the best cleaning wipes to get a coffee stain out of your new shirt you bought to wear to the office, the content is directed toward people who drink coffee. When search engines use their magic and crawl your blog postings, they will identify naturally incorporated long-tail keywords, like "coffee cup for school" or "wipes to get coffee stain out of a new shirt". By identifying these long-tail keywords, the search engines will have a better idea of who the content should be shown to on search engine results pages (SERPs). Publishing one blog post a month isn't going to do much to make sure your content lands in front of the right audience. But did you know publishing at least 16 postings a month can get you 350% more traffic each month compared to publishing one to four postings? Even as a solo entrepreneur, you can rest assured that frequent and consistent blog postings are going to increase traffic to your site. Studies show companies with one to 10 employees that publish at least 11 postings a month can boost traffic by as much as 300%. Don't have time to create and publish 11 postings? It's okay. These same studies reveal that if you publish at least five postings a month, you can still enhance site traffic by 200% when compared to posting only one time each month. Content Marketing Involves Creating Buyer PersonasCreating buyer personas for your brand means you're going to pinpoint the people who are most likely to purchase your product. How old are they? Where do they live? What lifestyle habits do they have? Do they have children? What level of income do they have? Knowing this information enables you to sprinkle relevant content throughout your marketing content to appeal to these people. Let's go back to the coffee mug example. If you're selling coffee mugs, then your targeted audience is quite broad, but only if you want to appeal to such a large audience. This is why it is good to pick a specific niche and focus your brand and marketing efforts on it. The Big Dream Moms site, for example, targets moms who love to drink coffee. This niche, however, is still broad enough to appeal to a large audience because it can target working moms and stay-at-home moms. It can even target children who want to buy their moms coffee mugs for Mother's Day, birthdays, and holidays. Statistics show that developing buyer personas for your brand will boost lead generation, audience engagement, and sales revenue.
Using Content Marketing to Reach Your Targeted AudienceAdvertising on social media is an effective marketing tool to employ, but it isn't going to reach your targeted audience unless you're advertising to people who fall into your buyer persona categories. As you use your buyer personas to create blog postings and other forms of content, like videos, infographics, and whitepapers, you're going to find much more success in your content marketing strategy. Mainly, you're going to improve lead generation and consumer engagement by landing your content in front of people who actually have an interest in your product. Your online business isn't going to take off overnight. It's going to take time. Lots of time. In fact, you may not start seeing results from your content marketing agenda for three to six months. Sticking with producing frequent, quality content is key to making sure your efforts pay off.
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