$50 Pillar-Starter Sample
Try our professional writing services for only $50 with this limited time sale. You'll receive two content briefings to ensure each pillar-starter post you receive comes uniquely optimized for your website. Order now and receive both pillar posts within 24 hours. Simply copy and paste the content into your blog publisher, share across your social media profiles, and watch your traffic grow.
Each pillar post will consist of 700 words. That means you'll receive a total of 1,400 words for only $50.
Why is pillar content important?
While there are several content categories to choose from when updating a website, pillar content is what every company owner should prioritize.
Exactly what is pillar content?
Pillar content discusses several facets of the same topic.
For example, let's imagine that you're building a website for a law firm. Ideally, you will want to include a page somewhere on the site (maybe your blog) that goes into detail about hiring a lawyer. However, since there are several steps involved in hiring a lawyer, this page is going to explain each of those steps in great detail; this is pillar content.
For SEO purposes, it's smart to link each pillar post to cluster pieces. Your cluster pieces dive deeper into the individual topics discussed in their pillar pieces. Ideally, every pillar piece will have at least 3 cluster content pieces linked to it and each of those cluster pieces will link back to the pillar piece.
You can use our pillar-starter posts to generate two new pillar pages for your site. We will create the beginning of two pillar posts that you can add to yourself or have us add to them for you with one of our content packages. Studies show that sites with long-form content perform better than those with more short-form content.
8 Reasons Your Website Needs Pillar Content
Don't know if your website needs a pillar post? Well, it does, and this is why.
1. To Get Noticed
It's easy to get lost in the shuffle when there are millions of blogs already up and more appearing every day. To be successful, your blog has to be different from the others. Especially if your blog's niche is already somewhat saturated.
You can improve your credibility as a blogger by writing high-quality "pillar posts." Your readers will take note, and they will look to you as the authority on the subjects you address in your pillar pieces. Take advantage of this by writing in-depth, engaging pieces on the issues that matter most to you and your company.
2. It's Useful to Your Audience
Successful blogs not only have a large number of visitors but also give information that is useful to their audience. Although readers like many kinds of material, "pillar posts" that provide essential information are especially welcome. You can win in the long term if your site really helps its viewers and provides them with valuable information at no cost to them.
3. Timeless Material
In contrast to fleeting fads, the relevance and usefulness of evergreen content will not diminish over time. Many but not all pillar postings will have eternal relevance. Even if you do need to make minor adjustments to your pillar articles from time to time to reflect the current state of affairs, the underlying ideas should remain timeless.
The ability to attract and retain readers over time is a major reason why evergreen content is so valuable. If your site is filled with information that becomes out-of-date soon, you'll have to constantly produce fresh material to keep readers interested.
4. Increase Email Subscribers
Building an email subscriber base should be an important part of any blogging strategy. An email list is essential since it allows you to stay in touch with your most devoted fans whenever you choose and reduces your reliance on third-party traffic sources like search engines and social media.
Attracting email subscribers is a breeze with pillar posts. Your aim when a visitor lands on your pillar post should be to provide them so much valuable information that they want to sign up for your email list. Additional subscribers might even be enticed with premium content upgrades.
5. Search Engine Optimization
Search engines like Google often display high rankings for content published in the form of pillar posts. Your pillar posts have a better chance of ranking for a wide variety of keywords and phrases because of the number of opportunities presented by their length. High-quality content that compels readers to stay on a page is another ranking factor for Google. Google will favorably index lengthy, well-written articles since they provide valuable information to viewers. Start your SEO on the right foot by focusing on producing top-notch content.
6. Using Social Media for Promotion
Shares of "pillar posts" on readers' social media pages are common. Hundreds or perhaps thousands of people will share an excellent pillar post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Increased visibility results from a larger number of shares. When your content gets more views, you get more subscribers, and you make more money.
Including social media sharing buttons next to your articles is a great way to encourage interaction and spread the word about what you've written. There are a variety of placements for buttons and symbols on blogs, from the top and bottom of the page to the sides of the screen.
Doing outreach to get others to share your finest content is another option to consider. When Brian Dean was expanding Backlinko, he didn't just sit back, crank out some pillar content, and watch the shares and traffic roll in. Instead, he reached out to several bloggers. I'm sure it took a lot of work and energy, but now he gets a ton of traffic. "Blogger Outreach: How to Get Influencers to Share Your Content for Free" is where you can learn more about Brian's strategy.
7. Generate Consistent Streams of Income
Inbound links, social media shares, and organic search engine traffic all contribute to the success of pillar articles. Since evergreen content is the norm for pillar articles, this means that they can continue to generate revenue indefinitely.
In addition to attracting traffic to your website, you can generate money through pillar posts by:
- Adding affiliate links - Within your foundational content, include affiliate connections to any items or services that are relevant.
- Write material that naturally includes references to the promotion of your own items, whether you're selling them online or offline.
- If you provide services, like consulting, you can use "pillar posts" to show off your knowledge in your field.
- If you want to monetize your material, you might approach businesses that provide related goods and services to see if they would be interested in sponsoring a post or advertising on your site.
8. Maintain a Competitive Edge
The fact that anybody can create a blog in a short amount of time is both one of its greatest strengths and one of its worst weaknesses. If you write an epic pillar piece, it will be difficult for other people to enter the market and develop content that is on par with yours. Even if others are able to produce articles with a similar focus or using the same keywords, yours will be superior.
To learn more about pillar content, check out the book below from Amazon. We may earn a commission if you choose to buy it, but we highly recommend it as it will give you an even greater understanding of the value of pillar content. And we also encourage you to buy our $50 Pillar-Starter Sample to get a feel of how our content development services can increase traffic to your site and generate leads.